Pupil Outcomes 2023-24
EYFS, KS1, KS2 results
Please view or download our EYFS, KS1 Phonics, Year 4 Times tables test and KS2 SATs results for 2023/24 as follows:
- Children making a Good Level of Development in Early Years
- Year 1 children meeting the phonics screening expectations
- How well Year 4 children can recall times tables up to 12 x 12
- Average scaled scores in reading and maths
- Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and maths
- Percentage of pupils who achieved a high level of attainment in reading, writing and maths
- Comparisons of children funded by the pupil premium
To compare Coleshill CE Primary outcomes to other schools locally and nationally, please see the government’s school performance tables.