Proud to be a Church of England school!
All staff and Governors aim to make the school a place where Christian love and commitment are expressed in everyday life and where we inspire our children to flourish and enjoy ‘Life in all its fullness’ (John 10:10).
Through our Christian vision we aim to make an important contribution to community cohesion and a more equable and tolerant society. The Christian ethos of the school and the values for which we stand are apparent in every aspect of school life. We are however welcoming and open to those of other faiths or none.
Religious Education is an important part of our curriculum. We have strong links with our parish church, St Peter and St Paul’s, and visit other places of worship.
Collective worship
Each day children have the opportunity to take part in collective worship which is broadly Christian in character. Although the school is a Birmingham Diocese Church of England school, the beliefs and customs of other religions are respected and valued and children from other faiths are welcome in the school.
Collective worship is usually held in the hall, and is led by a visitor, a teacher, Reverend Nick Parker (Vicar at Coleshill Parish Church) or children from the school. The Bible group lead collective worship once a week. A hymn or song is sung and prayers are said. We often have a Bible story or look at a topic from the news which we can think more about. It is a time to reflect together upon the Bible and life in our Church of England school. Each week of the year has a different collective worship theme. Collective worship usually takes place in class once a week where together the class teacher and the children lead and participate in the collective worship.
Religious education
Religious education is taught in accordance with the Warwickshire agreed syllabus and in accordance with the 1988 Education Act. This syllabus encourages a multi faith approach and a respect for faithful living, whilst teaching about ideas important for Christian belief.
As a Church of England School, religious education is provided regularly in all classes. Whilst there is more of a focus on the features of the Christian tradition, teaching also covers Hinduism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam and Buddhism across the school. You can find a document outlining what your child is taught in RE by clicking the link.
Religious Education is taught more broadly in the Reception class. Children learn a lot in assembly times together and also through key focus topics throughout the year.
Parents have the right to withdraw their child from collective worship and religious education. If a parent wishes to consider this option, the Headteacher should be approached.
Every child matters to God
Every Child Matters is a government initiative that was launched in 2003. Its main aims are for every child, whatever their background or circumstances, to have the support they need to be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic well-being.
As a Church of England School, we work closely with the Diocese of Birmingham and the Diocesan Board of Education, which seeks to offer the highest quality of education and care for all pupils. They have linked this initiative with the Christian values that we strive to convey in our school:
Christian values | Be healthy | Look after the body (and spirit) that God made |
FaithWorshipPrayer | Create opportunities in the school day for prayer, worship, reflection, stillness.Provide opportunities to develop in the Christian faith, and to respect those of a different faith or no faith position.Look at relationships and health in the light of moral, cultural, and faith values. | |
Stay safe | Trust in God | |
TrustChallenging injusticeJustice | Ensure that pupils are able to practise their faith without fear of prejudice or bullying.Promote, within the Christian ethos, self-worth, self respect and trust.Foster an atmosphere of respect and listening where concerns can be voiced and questions raised, and then appropriate action taken. | |
Enjoy and achieve | Use your talents | |
Using talentsJoy | Praise and celebrate achievements in all fields.Provide opportunities for pupils to express their learning in a variety of ways. | |
Make a positive contribution | Be generous | |
LoveGenerosityForgivenessWorship | Demonstrate ways of living based on Christian values in the context of a society which may have different values, (including giving and forgiving).Show what it means to love one’s neighbour.Extend opportunities for pupils to contribute to the worship life of the school.Encourage prayer for others.Encourage initiatives which promote social cohesion and caring for the environment. | |
Achieve economic wellbeing | Serve God and others | |
ServiceJusticeChallenging injusticeHope | Promote an understanding of Christian stewardship and a responsibility to look after the planet’s resources.Contribute towards the church’s work in helping people locally and in other parts of the world.Explore the lifestyles of those who have chosen to follow teaching of Jesus about trusting God.Encourage sharing of resources with others and collaboration.Explore the relationship between wealth and happiness. |